Craving a quick and delicious breakfast? A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich is a classic choice that hits the spot every time. In this guide, we’ll show you how to make this tasty sandwich with a twist, using a simple and unique method that brings out all the flavours.

What You’ll Need for the Perfect Sandwich

  • Bacon: Use three slices for a crispy, savoury bite. You can substitute with ham or skip it entirely for a vegetarian twist.
  • Bread: Two slices of any bread you love. Whether it’s white, whole wheat, or sourdough, it’s all about personal preference.
  • Butter or Mayonnaise: A small amount to spread on the bread. Butter adds richness, while mayo gives a slight tang and helps achieve a golden crust.
  • Eggs: Two large eggs are perfect. They create a fluffy layer that ties all the flavours together.
  • Cheese: One slice of cheddar, or try other types like Swiss or American for different flavour profiles.
  • Salt and Pepper: Just a pinch of each to bring out the best in the eggs and bacon without overpowering them.

How to make Bacon Egg And Cheese Sandwich step by step:


Start with the Bacon

◉ Begin by cooking three slices of bacon in a skillet over medium heat until they are crispy. Once done, set them aside on a paper towel to drain excess fat. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative, feel free to use ham or skip the meat altogether for a vegetarian option.

Roast the veggies


Prepare the Bread

◉ Take two slices of your favourite bread. Spread a thin layer of butter or mayonnaise on one side of each slice. The choice between butter and mayo can change the flavour, so pick your favourite!

Simmer and blend


Mix the Eggs

◉ Crack two large eggs into a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and pepper—remember, bacon adds saltiness, so don’t overdo it. Whisk the eggs well until they are completely mixed.

Creamy perfection:


Cook the Eggs

◉ Place a non-stick skillet over medium-low heat and add a little butter to coat the pan. Pour the whisked eggs into the skillet, spreading them out to cover the bottom evenly. This step is crucial; keep the heat low to avoid overcooking.

Season and serve:


Add the Bread

◉ While the eggs are still slightly runny, place the bread slices buttered side up on top of the eggs. Let it cook for about a minute until the eggs are mostly set but still a bit moist on top.

Season and serve:


Flip It Over

◉ Now comes the trickiest part—carefully flip the egg and bread over. It might take a bit of practice, but the goal is to keep the bread and eggs intact. Use a wide spatula and take your time to make sure the flip is smooth.
Fold the Egg: Gently tuck in the edges of the egg so they align with the bread. This step ensures that every bite has a perfect mix of egg and bread.

Season and serve:


Add Cheese and Bacon

◉ Place a slice of cheddar cheese on one slice of bread. Feel free to use other cheeses like Jack or a mix of your favourites. Lay the cooked bacon strips on top of the cheese, covering it evenly.

Season and serve:


Finish Cooking

◉ Fold the sandwich by bringing the other slice of bread over the cheese and bacon. Press down lightly with the spatula. Cook for about a minute on each side until the bread is golden brown and the cheese has melted.

Season and serve:


Serve and Enjoy

◉ Once the sandwich is crispy and the cheese is gooey, remove it from the skillet. Slice it diagonally and take a look inside—melted cheese, crispy bacon, and perfectly cooked eggs await! Enjoy this delicious breakfast treat and share it with friends or family.

Season and serve:


If you loved these Bacon egg and cheese sandwich recipe, you might also enjoy these recipes:

  • Avocado Toast with Poached Egg: A simple yet delicious breakfast option featuring creamy avocado, a perfectly poached egg, and a sprinkle of red pepper flakes on toasted bread.
  • Ham and Cheese Breakfast Croissant: Flaky croissants filled with savoury ham, melted cheese, and scrambled eggs, making a rich and satisfying morning meal.
  • Spinach and Feta Breakfast Wrap: A healthy and tasty wrap packed with sautéed spinach, crumbled feta cheese, scrambled eggs, and a dash of hot sauce for a kick.
  • Classic French Omelette: A fluffy, buttery omelette filled with cheese, herbs, and your choice of vegetables, perfect for a refined breakfast or brunch.
  • Sausage and Egg Breakfast Burrito: A hearty breakfast burrito loaded with scrambled eggs, spicy sausage, cheddar cheese, and fresh salsa, wrapped in a warm tortilla.


Yield: 2

Bacon egg and cheese sandwich

Bacon egg and cheese sandwich recipe

Craving a quick and tasty breakfast? Try our easy Bacon, Egg & Cheese Sandwich recipe! With crispy bacon, fluffy eggs, and melted cheddar, this sandwich is perfect for busy mornings. Ready in just 10 minutes, it's the ultimate breakfast treat

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 3 slices bacon
  • 2 slices bread
  • 1 tablespoon butter or mayonnaise
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 slice cheddar cheese
  • Salt, to taste
  • Pepper, to taste


    1. Start with the Bacon: First, heat a skillet over medium heat and cook the 3 slices of bacon until they’re crispy. Once done, put them on a paper towel to drain the excess fat. Bacon should be nice and crispy!
    2. Prepare the Bread: While the bacon is cooking, grab 2 slices of bread. Spread a thin layer of butter or mayo on one side of each slice. This is going to help give your sandwich that nice golden-brown toast.
    3. Scramble the Eggs: Crack 2 eggs into a bowl, add a pinch of salt and a dash of pepper, and give them a good whisk. In the same skillet (why dirty another pan?), melt a little butter over medium-low heat and pour in the eggs. Let them spread out evenly.
    4. Add the Bread to the Eggs: As the eggs start to set but are still a bit runny on top, place the bread slices, buttered side up, right on top of the eggs. Let them cook for about a minute to help the eggs stick to the bread.
    5. Flip It Over: Now, carefully flip the whole thing over so the bread is on the bottom and the egg is on top. You want to fold any overlapping egg edges back onto the bread to keep things neat.
    6. Cheese and Bacon Time: Place a slice of cheddar cheese on one piece of bread, right on top of the egg. Lay the crispy bacon slices on top of the cheese. The heat from the eggs will start melting the cheese perfectly.
    Bacon Egg And Cheese Sandwich Recipe

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Bacon egg and cheese sandwich

    Can I use a different type of cheese for this sandwich?

    Absolutely! While cheddar is a classic choice, you can use any cheese you prefer. Swiss, American, or even pepper jack will all melt beautifully and add their unique flavours to the sandwich.

    What’s the best bread to use for this sandwich?

    You can use any type of bread that you enjoy! White, whole wheat, sourdough, or even a bagel works great. Just make sure the slices are thick enough to hold the fillings.

    How can I make this sandwich healthier?

    For a healthier version, use whole-grain bread, turkey bacon or a plant-based bacon alternative, and reduce the amount of cheese. You can also add veggies like spinach, tomatoes, or avocado slices for added nutrients.

    Can I prepare the bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich in advance?

    This sandwich is best enjoyed fresh, but you can prep the ingredients ahead of time. Cook the bacon and store it in the fridge, whisk the eggs, and have your bread ready. Assemble and cook the sandwich quickly in the morning.

    What are some good sides to serve with this sandwich?

    Pair your sandwich with a fresh fruit salad, a side of hash browns, or a simple green salad for a balanced meal. For a heartier breakfast, add a smoothie or a glass of orange juice.

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